Support: We offer limited support via email. We believe the documentation and video will be sufficient to answer most questions.
We will help the agency admin get things setup as needed. Most items are pretty self explanatory.
Bug Reports As hard as we try to test and debug our application, we can still miss something. If you find a bug in our system please let us know. Being able to fix it for you will let us fix it for everyone.
Any Suggested Improvements? If you have ideas about improving the application, features you may like to see added, etc. Please let us know.
Local License offers email support only.
Generally this is available Monday - Friday during normal business hours
User Manual We are in the process of developing a user manual. Once it is completed it will be available here. |
Video What we are not is professional video creators. However, we will do our best and as they are available, you will find them on our YouTube channel. Here is the link.
Video Channel