A Personal Note:
Someone suggested I tell you a bit more about myself. 

I moved from criminal policing to regulatory policing in 1979. In 1986 I was given the additional tasking for managing a system of fee collection and distribution to hundreds of communities. That including the licensing of locations, equipment, individuals, vendors, etc.

We had no computers or software to deal with the problems. The adventure began. 

From that point we created a database management system, that handled license and financial activities.  I could go into the technology, it was pretty cool at the time but I will spare you that. 

From that time I have worked in other jurisdictions and have continually encountered the same problems no systems and not help obtaining. I was faced again and again with if you want it you build. 

That is exactly what happened. I designed and built needed solutions. 

For example,  the Minnesota Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement uses a system I built and created. It is used in the office, has public access, allows for online renewals, etc. You can ask them, but they like the result.





Local License Systems is a Minnesota company. 

When We Started?
The unofficial answer is in 1986. We moved into developing our first licensing system back then. We have been dealing with this work and systems related to it for over 35 years. 


Why we Created It?
We had experienced the problem of not finding off the shelf software. We were forced to create it. We sent people off to programming school and created our own solution. 

Never Done...
Software is never really ever done. Given feedback from customers and improvements suggestion we have to make changes. 

Your subscription gives these improvements as they happen and at no added costs.

Kind of  a Calling
We believe licensing is the best kind of regulatory control. To do it requires the proper use of licenses and permits. To do that requires the best systems possible.  Our wish is to give you that kind of system.